Southeastern Mass. Comcast techs win first contract!

Rand Wilson
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

After winning an NLRB union certification election on April 24, 2013, Comcast technicians at the Fairhaven Massachusetts garage have finally negotiated their first union contract with management. The new two-year contract with IBEW Local 2322 was ratified by 79 percent of the eligible membership on February 3, 2021.

The negotiations took place for over seven and half years. During that time, management attempted to decertify the union three times, but with each vote, support for collective bargaining and a union contract actually increased.

Seven and half years! What every Comcast technician wants to know is why it took so long and was it worth it?

“Comcast told us joining a union was a risk. They wanted us to believe that by uniting with our co-workers we could lose our pay or benefits,” said Brian Almeida, a technician from the Fairhaven garage with 19 years of service. “However, through collective bargaining, we improved on every aspect of our jobs. Most importantly, we now have “just cause” protections against unfair discipline or discharge and a written grievance procedure. We’ve got meaningful job security with new protections in writing against layoffs and our garage closing.”

Click on these links for a summary of the highlights of the new Comcast union contract and a chronology of the Comcast workers’ struggle for dignity and justice.

“It took a long time because senior Comcast managers didn’t want us to be united or agree to a fair contract. But over time, we showed local management the mutual benefits of working together instead of against each other,” Almeida added. “Having the support and negotiating experience of Eric Hetrick from IBEW Local 2322 was essential.”

“The techs showed amazing determination and perseverance to win,” said IBEW Local 2322 Business Manager Eric Hetrick. “Once they won their union certification election, they used their Section 7 rights under the National Labor Relations Act to engage in “concerted activity” to stay united and keep the pressure on management. This first contract provides real job security and a strong foundation to build on for the future. We are grateful to the support from other unionized Comcast workers, IBEW and other union members, and many civic and religious groups that stuck with us to win the good jobs that these hard working techs deserve!”

For more about the Comcast workers’ union, call or email Steve Smith at (978) 302–3690 or Learn more about the benefits of forming a union at Comcast Workers Unite.



Rand Wilson

Rand Wilson works as a union organizer and labor educator. He is a political activist in Somerville, MA.