Why I’m running for the Democratic State Committee

Rand Wilson
3 min readFeb 6, 2024

The Democratic Party needs new, progressive, and energetic leadership. Elected Democrats are now in control of all branches of our state government. Despite this, we can’t pass some form of rent control or build enough affordable housing. Our minimum wage is well below a living wage. Our public transportation is neither affordable nor well-functioning. Year after year the Democratic-controlled legislative leadership won’t even allow a state single-payer insurance plan to come to a floor vote.

Rand Wilson speaking at a rally opposing free trade deals

I believe that our Democratic Party should be leading the fight on all of these issues. We should elect state leadership that shares these goals and holds them accountable. That’s why I am running for a seat on the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee (DSC).

The DSC is the governing group of the state party. Members of the DSC are elected every four years. Eighty DSC members are elected on the presidential primary day. I am a candidate for the male seat in the Second Middlesex district which includes all of Somerville and Medford, about half of Winchester, and a part of north Cambridge.

I believe that a more progressive and energetic DSC could begin to change the political climate so that our state party pays more attention to what working people need, and less attention to what corporate lobbyists and millionaire donors want. If elected, I will work hard to make that change happen.

Rand Wilson with striking Amazon workers on extended picket line in Norwood, MA

I am a longtime resident of Somerville who serves on the Ward 6 Democratic Committee. I am a trustee of the Somerville Job Creation and Retention Trust and I convene a community-labor coalition, Somerville Stands Together. I have worked for over 40 years as a labor organizer. I will bring the energy, values, and enthusiasm of the labor movement to my work on the DSC.

I supported Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 primaries, and then went on to work hard for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020. I believe our party must be more focused on the issues that matter to working families if we are going to staunch the steady loss of working class voters who feel no candidate represents them. We can’t afford to have them stay home in November.

Rand Wilson with protesters in Union Sq. reminding US2 and Gilbane of their obligations to hire local Somerville residents

My candidacy has been endorsed by Rep. Mike Connolly, Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven, 13 city councilors in the district, six unions, and many other local leaders.

I urge everyone to vote in the March 5 primary. If you see my name on your ballot, please give me the chance to help create a state Democratic Party that fights harder, and wins more often, for all of us!



Rand Wilson

Rand Wilson works as a union organizer and labor educator. He is a political activist in Somerville, MA.